Cantus Angeli 2018

In this yearbook you will find all the previous editions of the festival with links to photos and videos

Here are the choirs of the 2018 edition of the Cantus Angeli Festival:

  • Coro Tu Es Petrus Maiori - Salerno 
  • Kolot Sharim Choir Yehud e Bet Shemesh - Israel
  • Ensemble Corale NouKrìa Nocera Inferiore - Salerno 
  • Coro di Iglesias Iglesias 
  • Coro T’Incanto Salerno 
  • Corale Polifonica Angelicus Mercato S. Severino - Salerno 
  • Coro Giovanile Voicing Nocera Inferiore - Salerno 
  • Coro El Vesoto San Floriano di San Pietro in Cariano - Verona 
  • Adam le Adam Choir Tel Aviv - Israel
  • Coro Giovanile "InCanto" Cava de’ Tirreni - Salerno 

Here is the video playlist on YouTube: